Parramatta Square Interpretation

A thematic, comprehensive suite of interpretive artworks that span a major public square

City of Parramatta Council

Trigger is the interpretation designer for Parramatta Square – an ambitious revitalisation project for the centre of Parramatta. The space is an important public domain and central hub to introduce key stories of Parramatta’s rich heritage.

Trigger is working with specialist craftspeople to ensure interpretation is embedded in the architectural and landscape fabric of this place, not as a superficial layer. This aligns with Trigger’s philosophy and approach to interpretation design in all places: thorough research and consultation to provide outcomes and experiences that truly connect to people and create a sense of place.



Trigger has been intimately involved in consultation with community stakeholders — actively workshopping ideas, stories to be told and how they should be told. This process is undertaken to ensure interpretive outcomes are intrinsically linked to community and Aboriginal stakeholders, establishing significant ownership by all parties.

The overarching themes of ‘Dharug’, ‘Gathering Place’ and ‘Waves of People’ inform a vast and rich suite of physical interpretives which are currently being implemented.

Trigger’s approach created a library of graphic elements, from more literal artworking of historical photos to illustrated elements to abstract symbols, to use for different types of interpretive pieces, while maintaining a consistent material language to tie all the interpretation together.

The project included historic stories on granite seating, symbolic representations in granite paving, “On Country” Markers across multiple pavers, archeological markers, and a continuous representation of a convict-built town drain stretching across the entire site.

